Friday, March 28, 2008

Corner Your Market: A New Angle on Selling the Corner Lot

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by Jason Couillard

The way I see it, there are are two types of people in this world: those who love corner lots and those who hate them. If you are about to sell your corner lot property, understanding what makes these two groups of people tick is an essential first step that will help you market your home and sell it for the best price.

Down on the Corner

Typically, the those who vow they'd never buy a home on a corner lot always cite lack of privacy as the main drawback to living on the edge of two streets. "Strangers will watch you step out of the tub," these folks exclaim. And while I always wonder if they've ever heard of curtains or landscaping when I hear these things, I recognize the truth in what they say. Corner lot homes naturally have twice the number of people looking up at their windows. The corner lot home is twice as visible and exposed to passersby on two streets. Even worse: if you're a gardener, there will be twice as many sneaky people picking twice as many flowers from two of your yards. So who wants it?

Turning the Corner

Fortunately for sellers, people who love corner lots abound in this world and this type of property is generally more expensive for good reason. Three of the primary reasons that corner lots come at a premium price are:

  1. They are larger. The benefits of this should be obvious but among them are the fact that your bigger lot will yeild more possibilities for living spaces.

  2. Fewer neighbors. This is ironic, but though you have more street front property with a corner lot and supposedly less privacy, you actually have fewer fences to share with nosy neighbors, fewer backyards looking into yours, and fewer windows facing the back of the lot.

  3. Increased visibility. Yes, I said it. Privacy is overrated and corner lot lovers know this to be a true fact. Think about it: if you operate any kind of home business, a corner lot is the lot you want.

Good For Business

The world of work has changed dramatically over the past few decades. Sparked by technology, the two income family, and the sincere quest to find a better way to manage family life, we're seeing more home-based businesses, more home-based consultancies and more people who work online from home offices. If the preponderance of cell phones, blackberries and laptops in the coffee shops is any indication, we're in the process of creating one of the most portable workforces of all time. For many of us, this increased portability isn't an opportunity to travel so much as it's a welcome opportunity to finally go home. For the home based business owner, a home on the corner gives them two streets to hang out two shingles, better access for their clients and effortlessly keeps the product or service in the minds of twice as many people.

So if you have a corner lot home to sell, make sure you market it to the corner lot lovers, not the corner lot haters. While this home's increased visibility might send the latter running for cover, it provides a clear selling point for the former that's often overlooked.

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